Wednesday, March 15, 2006





PHILOSOPHY—The word itself is so Pliable as well as so Remote that it deserves to be interpreted into an infinity of definitions. But our concern here is not to add one more to the numerous definitions of Philosophy, rather we consider the Essence and Truism of Philosophy as a lively discipline of the Human Intellect.

The Philosophising ability of the Human Beings yield the advent of various Paths upon which the Human Quest for Truth is Advocated. Philosophical Process is like that of digging the Earth in search of the Crude Diamond which is comparable to that of inquiring upon Truth in order to Procure the Crude God. Once the Crude Diamond is achieved, there comes the Process called Refining which is nothing but Polishing. This Process of Refining is known as Mathematicising. The Process of obtaining the Crude Diamond is termed as Philosophising. So these two Subjects have a direction of their own in order to point to. Therefore Philosophy is the Crude Form of Truth. As to the title, it simply suggests us that The Philosophy of Philosophy means a Double Superposition, that is, it means Thick Philosophy. As Philosophy is always Loose in its Core, Thick Philosophy merely points to the destination of its Course.

By the Refining Process, Mathematics accumulates several Rubbishes. So, although the Dazzling Diamond is got at the end of the Polishing Act or the Rubbing Method, Mathematics attains its goal by shifting its Course to that of Philosophy. At this instant Philosophy also shifts its Course to Mathematics. Therefore Philosophy and Mathematics are two Extremes of the Universal Path to Truth. As these two proceeds toward each other, at the Critical Point of Mutual Engulfing, a new Subject is Born. After this Birth of the Subject which is comparable to that of the Glowing Diamond, it is accepted as an Adornment Piece by the Truth which is the God Almighty. After this Bliss, Mathematics and Philosophy Mutually Transpose themselves and again initiate their old business. The Sole Beneficiary of this Divine Plan is We Humans.

I would now onwards call Mathematics and Philosophy as Mathesophy. The Mathesophical Mode pervades everywhere. Not only by the Humans that the Mathesophical Discipline is pursued as a kind of Birthright or by Default (=by Nature) but also by the other Life Forms as well as the Lifeless Forms. Anything that has a Form has the Mathesophical Mode. By Mathesophical Mode I mean the Mutual Engulfing of Void and Matter. It chiefly explains that Void is Non Structural and Matter is Structural.

There is Void within Matter as well as out of Matter. So Energy Binds Matter to a Structure or Form or Frame. At the Critical Point of filling Matter within the Frame by Polishing the Void further, the Frame brakes away yielding to the swallowing of Matter by Void. If Void swallows Matter, then Matter acquires the Body or Frame. If Matter swallows Void, then it looses its Body or breaks away its Frame. This is the Genesis of the Divine Play. Mathesophy Reverberate this Phenomenon at every stage of its improvement and helps us in our conditioning and leads us individually to each of our Liberation Personally. I reiterate Personally just because each and everyone of us shall in the Subtle Droplet Form might Merge with the Ocean of Truth and Transform into Truth. This is our Unified Aim.

The Mutual swallowing of Matter and Void are never separate and they are simultaneous. The aim Ultimatum of this Mutual Engulfing is to Realise Truth and Transpose the previous places of Origin. By this Unceasing Act, Truth Establishes itself as an Edifice and Drinks the Ectoplasm thus Generated by the Mutual action of Void and Matter. There is Matter within Void as well as out of Void. And Matter and Void are two Entities which constitute the Truth. In general we can associate Void and Matter to each of Mathematics and Philosophy.

As long as the Separatist Mind exists, Truth is conceived as Void and Matter and it Splits Mathosophy into Mathematics and Philosophy. Thoughtless Mind is Void and Thoughtful Mind is Matter. So within ourselves, by knowing it or not there prevails the Battle of Void and Matter. Out of ourselves also these Battle continues. Mind is the Separator of ourselves whether to Care for these overwhelming Combats or not. If we Care, we Limit us and if we Care not we Expand us. But this Caring is the quality afflicted upon us by the Mind which always functions in terms of Stratifications.

Mind is the Burden imposed upon Being. In order to free itself of Mind, our Being Mortifies the Mind. Therefore due to Mind’s Mortification, Void is Created. As soon as Void is Created, Matter also gets Created effecting the Rebirth of the Mind. Being, that is Truth, again does the same and the Unending Conquest of Matter and Void by each other continues. Then, what is the End of these Processes? It is nothing but the Beginning of them once again. So, what is the use of these Repeated Patterns? By these Repeated Patterns we get various Philosophies, Philosophies of Philosophies,…,ad infinitum. As per God’s Examination we are doing our individual Deeds and as per His Evaluation of our Works we are Passed on to HIS GRACEFUL ABODE.

—S. Maheshkumar.

{Composed on 7th June 2001 at 2.44 PM, Indian Standard Time}.

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