Tuesday, January 27, 2009





IF an ardent Mind cultivates the habit of segregating things in its attempt to digest the schema of the state of affairs concerning terms such as God, Godhood, Goddics, ... , Goddist, it only befall into the gorgeous traps of Numerising the NEUTRAL ZERO that is THE GOD. Estimating the Truth as to how its hold upon our Psyche will be without absorbing in it is a folly. Gauging the Void without being unable to grip it is a hurdle. Evaluating the Immathematical by means of Mathematical manipulations is a waste of energy and time. We cannot be satisfied with the fake of approximation for so long a time and roam like a somnambulist suppressing our Will to realise and deduce our Inner Wisdom.

GOD IS NOT ONE BUT ALSO NOT TWO AND IS ZERO. And ZERO is in INFINITY but not the vice versa Mathematically, so to speak. In other words, Zero is condensed Infinity whereas Infinity is expanded Zero. These are tautological theories in the Numeristic perspectives of the World. But Zero is Nonnumeric in its Absolute Crux. The Pythagoreans thought that All things were Numbers and believed that by investigating the Numbers lay the clue to God. Most of the Materialists think likewise even now. If God demotes Himself, then only He yields to such transient bluffs. All Material must have to deteriorate and perish by the way of refining itself in the process of transcending into Divinity. Centuries had gone by practicing the Material Mathematics with the Numbers representing the bricks that get composed into the Pseudo Structures and dense the mortal world. In that case, mortality is a boon in order to wipe out the dust and maintain the niceties of the world for posterity.

Human Life has to wobble between Zeros, from origination till its destination. Can you suggest any number without Zero? If you tell 2, for example, then let me explain that 2 + 0 = 2. Therefore, Zero is the container of each and every Number that is we Humans. What we do is misjudged as the thing authored by us. It is in actuality the doing of our Transcendental Self, i.e. Zero that does not bother even if we ignorant Numbers claim that we are responsible for the Ubiquitous Vistas of the Universe!

We as a Sum-Total should bring about the Liberation En Masse and transform into Zero. Until then, we must train and tame the God of Ego, i.e. the Mind that resides as a residue, like the Number in communion with the Zero, as the Body embracing the INNER SELF of US to never cross its limits in approximating GOD and found a Pseudo World!

Some Aphorisms to process our Musical Souls: -

"Classical Music and Modern Music are relative terms. Future is being digested Presently and ejected into the Past. The ejected is classified into Immortally Classical (that can be cherished!) and Mortally Evaporational (or Excretional!)".

"Absolute Music is the eternal stuff of Classical Music that can be revived into Modern Music! In short, reviving is the real meaning of our inherent musical souls in order to stay alive in the present, willing for the everlasting bliss of the Divine!"

"The pre-ordained duty of the bliss of Divine Music is to churn the thought bank, i.e. the Mind continuously at the cataclysmic climax of which the Kundalini Amrutam or the Ectoplasmic Ambrosia is evoked in the brain resulting in Moksha."

"A Soul (=Spirit) has to be Poetically Inspired, Musically Matured, Philosophically Refined & Mathematically Perfected in order to Transform itself into Godhood."

—S. Maheshkumar.

{Composed on 4th & 5th of July 2006 at 6.14 PM & 4.26PM respectively, Indian Standard Time.}