Wednesday, March 15, 2006





THE business of Philosophy is to generate Philosophers in abundance. “A good Ruler should be a good Philosopher”. Plato suggested in favour of this statement so that this maxim must be realised in terms of the formation of the Ideal Government. Either it be Monarchy of Democracy, tackling the mass and leading the people must be the duty of the person in power. To make a better world in which various people coexist, various ways converge in the same goal i.e. Truth, we, the people, shall cultivate Thinking. It is to this Hyper Process known as Thinking, that we attribute the advent of various Sciences, various Philosophies, various concepts in general. We live in order to Think and by Thinking alone we realise and fulfil. To quench or discard Thinking is confusion. And confusion breeds contradiction to the extent of turning the Mind into corruption. Playing with Language is wasting the most valuable Life of others of healthy temperament wanting to pursue Truth and realise it and become it at last. The persons accused of using Language Game in their ways have, as steady habit, yield to self contradict themselves without any realisation and tend to advocate lots of mockery.

As Mathematics is the Art of saying the same thing in different ways, at least it blesses us with a solution in the end. The champion of Language Game is one who does all sorts of nonsense without any coordination, i.e. he tells one thing, thinks the other and means some other. Such people make the world rotten, impure and at last turn it into its passive admissions to dangerous diseases culminating into sickness. An Amicable World is so only when these Tautologists i.e. the Language Gamers must be defeated and well cured of their illness.

Language Game can arouse curiosity in the beginning but it tests the patience severely of the ardent pursuer of Truth. The serious seeker demands something concrete and soon learns the lack of it in the Tautologist’s illogical claims. To build something out of something is sane but to do so out of nothing is inactivity. There is no space without action anywhere and everywhere there is the movement towards Truth. Language is the boon of any good civilization. With this boon we should make meaningful matter out of ourselves. Any advocating that stand against our steady progression must be banned. The aim of any worthy society is to make the individual of its composition liberate himself / herself and achieve the goal of his / her Life. Distrust, vulgarity, differed opinions, hatred, barbarism, ill conduct, etc., are the achievements of Language Game. To spoil growth is the very attitude of Tautology. We must let it exist only to refrain from it. If we permit it to dominate us, we will be cheated of our most valuable possession and Gift of God that is The Time.

By seriously practising “Meaning” we attain Spirituality. The Soul possessed of the God-Spirit spreads Nobility. Immortalising the Body, Synthesis of the Elixir, Discovering the Philosopher’s Stone, etc., are the inventions of the Tautologists or Language Gamers. They are same, repeated as well as inert and vicious. Their substance is at loggerheads. Breathing is also repeated but it sustains Life whereas Language Game falsifies our Life’s purpose. By Language Game is not only meant the uttered or written words but the deeds that instruct us towards untruth and extinguishes our potentiality.

There are lot of things to take care of in a Life full of happiness and beauty and there is no point in going after mere confusions brought about by Language Game oriented origins. In order to prophesy all falsehood and cause weariness to the listener, one should stick to Language Game. All unwanted things proposed by these Language Gamers are waste just because they lead us away from Truth. We must be clever enough to detect the traps that lay hidden in our tracks set by the wizards of Language Game. The easiest way to escape these people from afflicting us is to learn the impracticability of their statements and find out the Gassy Blankness which their sayings lead us to. Wisdom is never painful and it always flourishes philosophy by recreating it, until it is created perfectly with purity and discarding from it all the impurities acquired in the form of rubbishes left out by the unrealised, lazy and dummy parasites of the infectious blunder called the Language Game.

—S. Maheshkumar.

{Written on 1st February 2002 at 8.48 PM, Indian Standard Time.}

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