Wednesday, March 15, 2006





WE created this world as a kind of school in order to achieve Godhood. In turn, we are at liberty to assume that God has made Himself as so and so to become as we. In terms of the relativistic apprehension, we can say that when we become God, it is to say that God has become we. Disbelieving in dualism means we have to relieve ourselves from any structure or system. We in terms of many generations in the past had developed numerous systems, built temples, synagogues, created many languages to satiate and add to our drive for the lingua franca, etc., and face inconsistency within all that we made so far and so forth. And God for His humble part had and has split Himself into various anthropomorphic gods for the sake of theism and into splendiferous Truth-forms appreciating atheism.

There is always an advanced super wisdom ahead of us to inspire, protect and puzzle us. This wisdom is the root cause of all our replicas of it in terms of say, the things that we proudly acknowledge as those that are the outcomes of our toil and turmoil. Similarly, we as a bulk are at the base of the super wisdom that God is. So it is the duty of the person who is said to be the God in order to overtake, overwhelm and fill His bases which are representatives of the gross of us. In the same manner, it is our total goal to transform ourselves and fuse with the super point of God. After God has entered us and we expanded into Himself, has the problem reached the solution? No! It has only shifted its course from we to God and vice versa!!

At this stage of our discussion, apart from we and God, we observe that there is always a Hyper Field which encompasses God as well as us. This Hyper Field stays numb to the mutual transformation of us and God. As long as there is any quantitative dimension, the play between us and God continues. To put an end to the play of us with God, both we and God should get weary of the play and stick to the ultimate source that is nothing but the “HYPERORIUM” which is coined here to literally mean the Hyper Being whose dimension is Zero.

All our activities, whatever they may be can be reduced to the phenomenon of Counting. Breathing is a kind of it and cherishing the desires is also a kind of it. Even thinking also comes under the category of Counting. Counting itself is a kind of repeating. By repeating seriously alone can we attack the most vulnerable point of us that is the Ego and cause ennui so that we abide peacefully and respond to the Hyper Consciousness. Once a God or a kind of Him in the form of us had attained or achieved this status of “HYPERORIUM”, there won’t be a superior God left over expecting us to worship Him and there won’t even be a lesser one to praise the demigods anymore! So, first quench the systems sincerely and cross the midway that is God who is used to vary accordingly and derive the constant Godhood that is the Hyper Godhood Enshrined in the “HYPERORIUM”.

—S. Maheshkumar.

{Composed on 17th August 2000 at 12.40 PM Indian Standard Time.}

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